Feel Good About Your Purchases: How To Practice Ethical Consumption With Art For Your Cause

Feel Good About Your Purchases: How to Practice Ethical Consumption with Art For Your Cause

Ethical Consumption & Art: How Your Purchase Can Help a Cause

Ethical Consumption & Art: How Your Purchase Can Help a Cause

There’s no denying that ethical consumption is trendy, especially after the pandemic. An Accenture survey revealed that more than half of shoppers prioritized making more sustainable purchases after 2020.

Noticing this shift in consumer behavior, apparel brands and large corporations quickly hopped on the sustainability bandwagon by promoting eco-conscious collections and using recycled materials. They branded their products with catchy, feel-good words that range from organic to locally-made to recycled—anything to catch the consumer’s attention and lead them to believe that they’re contributing to a healthier, more equitable society.

Surely, corporations take ethical consumption seriously and always tell the truth about their products—or is it just wishful thinking that they practice transparency for the sake of their shoppers?

Whether these decisions are well-intended or simply half-hearted marketing ploys, it’s important that, as buyers, you’re able to discern what’s truly considered ethical consumption. In all honesty, if corporations are still mass-producing, paying lower wages, and not committing to higher accountability, they’re doing little to help the cause—and continue to be a part of the problem.

When done right, however, ethical consumption is revolutionary. It transforms lives, heals communities, and supports creators and businesses that genuinely care about making the world a better place.

At Art for Your Cause, we believe transparency, collaboration, and generosity are just a few characteristics that make up ethical consumption. Here’s how we apply it:

  • Through transparency in our business model
  • By collaborating with our nonprofits and artists
  • By demonstrating generosity in how we distribute the money from your purchase

When you shop at Art for Your Cause, everyone wins. Here are just a few reasons how your commitment to ethical consumption makes a positive impact—and how Art for Your Cause can get you started on your journey.

Ethical consumption supports original creators and local organizations

All too often, the starving artist mentality forces artists to continue creating, sharing, and giving art away without proper compensation. The fashion industry is undoubtedly one of the many that are responsible for contributing to this problem. Major corporations sell and exploit original art without receiving permission from the artists themselves—and even if they do, they underpay them for much less than their actual value.

For professionals like Vanessa Bowman and Elora Pautrat, that’s exactly what happened when they realized that Shein, a fast-fashion giant, exploited their artwork for their products. Elora Pautrat didn’t receive any response from Shein until she publicized their theft on social media—but even after issuing an apology and paying her some money from their sales, they continued to use her work without consent.

Ethical consumption seeks to solve this issue. Artists deserve both recognition and the ability to earn enough money for themselves. They shouldn’t have to compromise between having a stable income and pursuing a passion. Slow, mindful, ethical consumption promises better quality and care in every product while allowing you, the shopper, to know exactly who the creator is and how your purchase benefits their business.

At Art For Your Cause, we go the extra mile in supporting our artists. Unlike many others, we give credit where credit is due; you can access all artist profiles and their partner nonprofit organizations. So, while our artists receive a majority of their earnings, a certain percentage of it goes to a nonprofit of their choice. Every purchase pays an artist and benefits a nonprofit: it’s truly the best of both worlds.

You lessen your carbon footprint and help the environment

Ethical consumption lives up to its name by calling for consumers to make purchases through a more mindful, critical lens. Before buying your favorite products, consider:

  • What fabrics and materials went into making them?
  • What factories or facilities are used?
  • Are they cheap? If so—why?
  • Who is the primary seller, and does their business model accurately reflect ethical practices?

Gen-Z shoppers take the lead when prioritizing ethical consumption, but other generations trail closely behind. 75% of millennials state that sustainability is an important factor in driving their purchase decisions, while 56% of the general population strive to be more environmentally friendly shoppers. No matter the age, it’s clear that people care about brands aligning with their values.

A wide range of companies promise sustainability and slow fashion but prove their words wrong with conflicting actions. Consumers are particularly wary and skeptical about greenwashing, and rightfully so. That’s why companies need to demonstrate complete honesty in how they make their products. After all, if they’re genuinely committed to ethical consumption, there’s absolutely nothing to hide—right?

On the other hand, Art For Your Cause is fully dedicated to transparency. Our wide range of apparel, accessories, and wall decor provides you with an opportunity to invite art into your life while also being environmentally friendly. From our stylish footwear to original framed art prints, we make products according to every order so that materials, resources, and labor don’t go to waste. Other big names in the fashion industry contribute to fast-fashion woes by overproducing in a short period, but we don’t rely on preparing a large inventory. It’s a simple but effective way to cut down our carbon footprint.

We provide an opportunity to spark meaningful change

Art For Your Cause allows you to appreciate art, support original artists, and contribute to nonprofit organizations that are making a real, tangible difference—all through the lens of ethical consumption. We aren’t like our competitors who use sustainability, ethical consumption, and other greenwashed words to mask their falsities; we proudly demonstrate our intentions through honest and transparent actions.

We need art—and especially artists—to thrive in this world if we want to see radical hope, healing, and transformation come into full fruition. To achieve this vision, we need to advocate collectively  for artists and their work, then empower them to connect their art with a meaningful cause.

Curious about what our artists have to offer? Check out their work here.

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