Self Soothing Methods To Reduce Anxiety Through Art

Self Soothing Methods to Reduce Anxiety Through Art

With the state of our world so uncertain from day to day, it’s no secret that more people are dealing with anxiety than ever before. It’s caused people to turn to various outlets in their lives to get some relief.

With our busy schedules each day, it can be difficult to find time to navigate through these anxious feelings. You may think that you’re too busy to find an outlet.

Creating art has been proven to help in reducing the anxiety that we face every day. Here are a few self-soothing methods that can be done by anyone!


Journaling is a great choice to work through your anxiety because you’re able to work through the feelings as they come. Many people think of journaling as a type of diary, only to write down a recant of the day. Others keep theirs for strictly writing down their thoughts and feelings.

When it comes to journaling, however, you don’t have to put a cap on what you express. Journaling has been proven to help those struggling with anxiety clearly express their emotions, fears, and concerns that they haven’t been able to voice.

If you choose to journal daily, you can keep track of emotional triggers and work to avoid those or create better coping mechanisms.


We know what you’re thinking. Humming? Just hear us out.

While most people subconsciously find themselves humming when they’re happy, they aren’t aware of the benefits of it.

You don’t have to be able to carry a tune to hum, and anyone can do it at almost any time. Humming can affect us physically by reducing stress and providing us with that “feel-good” chemical.

It’s also been proven that humming can reduce brain activity in areas of the brain that have been associated with depression.

Creating Art With Music

We’ve all been inspired by a certain track or album while creating art. If you’re feeling particularly anxious, allow music to help you work through your feelings. Put on a playlist of your favorite songs and allow your feelings to flow out to the music.

Let the music take you to different places in your mind, perhaps visiting memories associated with the songs. You’ll get lost in the music and the art, feeling your stress melt away.

Create Without a Purpose

We all feel more stressed when we’re under pressure and dealing with serious deadlines. If you can make room for it, why not start personal projects just for yourself?

You won’t be under any rush to finish it, and you won’t have to answer to anyone’s demands. Reminding yourself why you fell in love with art in the first place can go a long way to allay feelings of anxiety.

While these methods are all great to implement in reducing anxiety, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Practice good hygiene and eat a healthy, balanced diet. If you’re looking for more ways to reduce anxiety through art, check out our other article on healthy coping mechanisms.

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